Run Yourself Fit
Sidmouth Running Club will once again be offering its popular New Year Beginners course in 2018.
The course, which promises to be a gentle eight week programme for anyone who has never run before but wants have a go, will start on Wednesday 3rd January at 7pm at Sidmouth Sailing Club. Experienced coaches and run leaders provide a friendly, relaxed and supportive atmosphere which takes beginners groups through a programme that starts with a mixture of running and walking and aims to have everyone comfortably running 3 miles by the end of the course.
In 2017 over 40 enthusiastic but nervous beginners set out on their journey to running fitness. ‘It was a fantastic take up of our invitation to Beginners’ said Club Chairman Terry Bewes, ‘and we had an incredible response by club members and run leaders who were so pleased to welcome new people along’. Because the club has invested in training programmes for coaches and run leaders there are plenty of able male and female leaders keen to provide help under the guidance of Head Coach Tim Mitchell.
Many of the 2017 Beginners went on to further challenges during the year. Lara Millmow and her daughter completed the course and then, bitten by the running bug, completed 5k Park Runs in July and September. ‘There couldn’t have been a better way to improve my fitness and health and it was just what I needed after the Christmas season’ said Lara. ‘I didn’t think I was a runner but it’s part of my life now. One of the things I like most about the Club is that we have all ages and abilities’. Julia Haddrell hadn’t run since her school days but found running with others made it easy. ‘I have lost lots of weight, feel fantastic and have completed nearly 30 park runs this year. I inspired my daughter to run and celebrated being 60 by doing a 5k in just over 30 minutes!’ David Skinner joined the Club at 70 and has found the social running and friendly hints and tips invaluable to his improving fitness. He was delighted to achieve his 5k target time just before Christmas.
Also on offer for 2018 will be an Improvers Course. Following an eight week programme, this course is aimed at anyone who has run before but needs an incentive to get going again, or solo runners who would like to progress with a group. ‘We are a very friendly club and it’s amazing how quickly the miles are covered if you’re chatting’ said run leader Claire Ashby. ‘And the great thing about running in a group is that everyone knows a different route so as well as Club nights around town we cover a huge variety of trails in this beautiful countryside’. The Improvers Course also starts on Wednesday 3rd January at 7pm, at Sidmouth Sailing Club.
Both courses cost £20 which includes Club membership for 2018. Anyone who is interested in finding out more is invited to contact Terry Bewes on 07734 581782 or via email More information on the club can be found at or on our facebook page.