Is SRC In The Running For The Grand Western Canal Virtual 10k Most Participants Trophy?
Over 60 Sidmouth Running Club members signed up to run the GWC 10k in December in a bid not only to raise money for children’s charity Clic Sargent but to bring the most participants trophy home!
Yasmin Salter was first off the starting blocks, registering, running and receiving her medal all before December 5th.
A group led by Terry Bewes ran on club night last Wednesday evening and successfully completed 10k whilst taking in the Christmas lights of Woolbrook and Sidford. A very impressive first run for new club member Paul Reeves.
Greg and Christie Ward, John Sharples, Allan Kay and Kyle Baker completed the run in under an hour while not far over the hour were Paula Farrand and Bert Dykema, Zsa Zsa Croft and Catherine Cruise, Carolyn Sinclair and Cheryl Boulton, Tash Morgan, Lottie May and Julia Gardiner.
Runs weren’t kept to the Sidmouth area, Julia Haddrell and Ann Cole were dropped off at Otterton and enjoyed the coastal views as they ran back to Sidmouth and a group of Mighty Greens donned fancy dress and ran along the Grand Western canal from Sampford Peverell towards Tiverton and back.
For most of the group of ladies that wore fancy dress and ran around Sidmouth including Waitrose car park to cheer the queueing shoppers up, it was their first 10k and first medal won. They finished their run to the sound of Sidmouth Town Band playing in the Market Square.
A special mention must go to Leeann Thomson and Lisa Colton who joined the beginner’s course in January this year and both completed the 10k challenge. True MG’s and a great achievement to be proud of.
With another week to go for the registered runners to complete the challenge, chairman Terry Bewes will have to wait before he finds out if he needs to find room in the trophy cabinet.