SW Vets X-Country Championship – Jo’s inventive report.
To be sung to the tune of ten green bottles….
Nine green runners lined up for the race, nine green runners soon with mud upon their face, lap one saw one green runner give her best but too tough a pace, so eight green runners continued in the race.
Eight green runners through the wind and rain, eight green runners on another lap again, one green runner looking fresh and great, yes Rob Edwards crossed the finish line in 30:48.
Seven green runners now spread out a lot, seven green runners, for some the pace was getting hot, one green runner always really keen, Naomi Garrick, took third in age, in 32:15.
Six green runners round and round they went, six green runners some were nearly spent, one green runner low on power-drive, a tired Jo Earlam just squeezed in a sub:35.
Five green runners still ploughing through the mud, five green runners as the rain turned near to flood, one green runner relieved there was no more, Tony Velterop finished in 38:24.
Four green runners were all that did remain, four green runners, some still to go round again, one green runner what a brilliant time, Gail Goldsmith, first in age group in 38:29.
Three green runners still in the mighty vest, three green runners doing of their best, another green runner getting a good score, Sue Cunningham, second in age, in 42:04.
Two green runners side by side they’d stayed, two green runners who were not afraid, they kept the green vest going right until the end, Ruth Burrough and Sarah Powell, happy to finish with a friend.
Times. Rob Edwards 30:48; Naomi Garrick 32:15 third 45/54; Jo Earlam 34:40; Tony Velterop 38:24; Gail Goldsmith 38:29 1st 65/74; Sue Cunningham 42:04 2nd 65/74; Ruth Burrough 53:54; Sarah Powell 53:54.