Membership Renewal – Individual


Renew Membership for 2019

Renewal Form for Individual Membership paying by Bank Transfer

For Family Membership please use the appropriate paper form below

  • Online Application Form for New Members paying by bank transfer

  • If you want to pay by cheque or cash please use one of the links below

  • Paper form for Renewing Membership paying by cheque or cash

  • Paper Application Form for New Members paying by cheque or cash

I wish to renew my membership of Sidmouth Running Club and confirm that I am an amateur as defined by England Athletics. I agree to be bound by the Constitution and Rules of the Club and those of England Athletics. When you renew your membership with SIDMOUTH RUNNING CLUB you have the option as set out in the Privacy Policy, Item 5, by opting out of your details being forwarded to England Athletics. If you DO NOT want your information forwarded please tick the box below

The Constitution, Rules and GDPR Privacy Policy can be found on the website.

Very Important: Only paid up members of the Club are automatically covered by the Club Insurance. It is your responsibility to maintain your membership. The Club will remind you mid-January and if not paid by 31st January you will no longer be a member.

Subscription Rate: Individual: £15

Plus an optional £15 for an England Athletics Competition Licence. This entitles you to enter UKA Licensed events as an affiliated runner at a discounted price of £2 an event.