Running Courses

Sidmouth Running Club Courses Suitable For All Abilities

Running is a great way to boost your health and fitness and with Sidmouth Running Club it is very sociable too. Booking is now open for the beginners and improvers course which will start on Wednesday 6th January at 7pm from their new HQ at St John’s School, Broadway, Sidmouth.

The gentle 8 week beginners course is for those of you who have never run before to ease you into being able to do 3 miles comfortably and progress to the 3 mile group and beyond. The improvers course is an 8 week programme for those that have run before but need an incentive to get going again or for solo runners who would like to progress with a group. Each course is £25 which includes club membership for 2021 and public liability insurance.

Completed the couch to 5km? Why not come along and join our friendly 3 mile group, £15 for 2021 membership. Numbers are limited on the courses, to book your place please email or phone 07734581782.