Park Run Milestones and Holiday Running For Sidmouth Running Club Members

On a glorious morning at Killerton Park Run Sidmouth Running club member David Skinner completed his 200th parkrun.

David Skinner on his 200th parkrun at Killerton

David’s first park run was in January 2016 and in that time he has taken part in four Christmas Day park runs and broken 30 minute on 6 occasions. David who only started running when he was 68 3/4 and runs in the VM75-79 category has also completed another park run challenge.  The Mighty Green has travelled over 15,198km to visit 51 park run locations and has successfully run the park run alphabet in the UK as his recent holiday to Durham and Scotland saw him run in the Jubilee parkrun at Spennymoor and the Vogrie park run near Edinburgh.  (There isn’t a X or Z).

David Skinner has travelled across the UK to complete the Parkrun alphabet including Vogrie in Scotland

Huge congratulations from SRC who look forward to seeing what your next challenge will be!

Derek Blackburn is another MG who is participating in park runs up and down the country.  Whilst visiting the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham, Derek ran at Oaklands and Edgebaston.

Derek Blackburn at Oaklands parkrun on a recent trip to Birmingham

Proving how committed Sidmouth Running Club members are even on holiday run leader and vice chair Sarah Watkins wore her Mighty Green top at Glacier Bay, Alaska!

Sarah Watkins wearing the Mighty Green at Glacier Bay, Alaska.

The club is still enjoying off road runs on Monday and Wednesday evenings and welcome visitors to join them on the runs.  Please contact Terry via the web page for further details.