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Something fishy is going on with Clive

Something Fishy Going On!

SRC Run Leader, Clive Gilbert, went all out on Saturday sporting a very natty hat to celebrate Seaton park run’s 8th Birthday.

Sidmouth Running Club, Jim Hudson took part in the Jurassic coastal walk

Up For A Challenge

The Mighty Greens like to challenge themselves: Jim Hudson, Liz Wright, Jo Earlam and Jude Carson.

Sidmouth Running Club, The Mighty Green Lions Woodbury 10k-ers

Summer Running Happened So Fast

Several SRC members donned their Mighty Green tops at the weekend to represent their club.

Sidmouth Running Club Members at Cranbrook’s first colour run

Barmy and Balmy Runs for SRC

Donna, Grahame and Amelia Womersley-Westlake enjoyed Cranbrook’s first colour run on Saturday.