


Training sessions are led by our England Athletics experienced Coaches and Leaders.


The Club primarily trains on Monday and Wednesday evenings commencing at 7pm. Monday runs are between 4 and 5 miles where we all run together, Wednesday there are 2, 4 and 6 mile runs along with an advanced six mile session for experienced runners


No two sessions are the same as the individual leaders chose the course and content and have their own way of encouraging you.

The personalities and idiosyncrasies of the Coaches and Leaders form the basis of the club’s success


It is Club policy for faster runners in the session to circle back at certain points so that no runner feels isolated and always part of the group.


During the summer running is mainly off road at various locations around the valley and during the the winter mainly on road from the Sailing Club.


We encourage the wearing of Club tee shirts and vests at our training sessions and at all races. In the interest of safety Hi Vi, reflective vests and lights are required during the hours of darkness.

Start Locations

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Need Help Getting Started?

Read Bupa's, "How to Start Running Guide"

Thinking of taking up running? Running is a fantastic exercise if you want to get fit or burn calories. But if you’ve never run before, it can be daunting knowing where to start. Do you need special trainers? How much should you eat or drink beforehand? And how far should you push yourself?

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